Making Freedom work in FC5.
In DA-IICT the firewall configuration forces us to use python in addition to freedom to bypass proxy, so some extra work needs to be done!
Python comes already installed in Linux distributions. All you need to do is this:
1. Copy as such your aps098 folder(or simply and .cfg files) from windows in desktop.
Your proxy settings are assumed to be correct.
2. cd aps098/
3. Type: python
4. Done. Python should be running now.(Don't close the terminal)
For freedom you just need a jar file of freedom which is easily obtained from your Program files/Your Freedom folder in windows.
1. Copy freedom.jar to desktop(linux).
2. Browse to desktop. (Make it your current directory)
3. Type: java -jar freedom.jar
4. Freedom should work if your java installation is proper.
5. Configure it as you do in windows.
Once you have got freedom working you can make "yum" updater of FC5 work by editing yum.conf.
1.gedit /etc/yum.conf
Add these line at the end:
# The proxy server - proxy server:port number
# The account details for yum connections
If everything goes fine you can successfully update your system via yum.
Hows life??? Good work here bt actually one problem. Do you know the SEXY speed we get in DAIICT and you telling us to config YUM to use Freedom . I mean you want one to devote one month of his precious short life just in checking whether some package is update or updating a package(just kidding....). I suggest you use PYTHON proxy in you yum.conf file instead of FREEDOM. Afterall only reason of YUM not working is NTLM proxy and PYTHON is solviong that. And dude thats how we can update our antiviruses' definitions in windows thru python.
bbye....good wishes.
gr8 suggestion...
this will also resolve that 2hr disconnection problem...
but have you actually tried this because i did tried this first, but this didn't seem to work....
(may be yum server direct connection not liked by our admin...;) )
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